Saturday, 14 May 2011

But why blog?

I want to use this blog to be shamelessly indulgent about my book - any reviews, comments (good, bad, and indifferent) will be posted here and perhaps responded too.

The book will be in bookshops nowhere from the beginning of June 2011 and hopefully in libraries all over the world. It's available for pre-order online now from Ashgate at a discount price of £45 and for a bit more at amazon and somehow the book depository or xyshop for £37.50. Ashgate have been wonderfully supportive and even ran ahead of time with the publishing date.

More importantly I want to put up any conferences, events, websites, and other peoples books in the field on here too.

Surely that's reason enough for a blog?


  1. £37.50 from book depository

  2. Bargain! I have updated the post above, thanks Karin.

  3. Have discovered today that Surrey libraries have one copy on order, although it doesn't show up on their public catalogue.

  4. Coool! I am actually properly excited about that. Thanks Karin. X

  5. I've managed to reserve it, so will let you know when/if it arrives. I've been reserving another book, which is meant to be on order for 2 years, although that is unusual.

  6. I'm afraid book depository now list it at £48.48. :( Also, Surrey appear to have dropped their order, but they still seem to think it's not available until September. I'll see what I can find out this week.

    It must be great to hold a copy in your hand, though. I'm sure you must be very proud.

  7. It must've been a mistake. Pffft. Thank you Karin it does feel good to have it for real. It was original going to be September, I think, but it should be available from next week.
