Saturday, 14 May 2011

Dalits theology conference comes to Birmingham, UK

Dalits theology conference

This conference takes place for a day on the 24th June 2011 from 10 – 4.30 pm,  in Queens Foundation for Theological Education in Birmingham.   
There will be paper presentations on the following topics:

·         The present plight of Dalit Christians in India/ A glimpse on the Caste practices in Britain
·         The  need, origin  and development  of Dalit Theology
·         The Status and the relevance of Dalit Theology among the Grass Root Dalit Christians
·         The experiences that Dalit Theology needs to learn from Black/Asian/Feminist Theologies. 

The Conference has been organised by Vincent Manoharan of the Nationaal Campaign for Dalit Human Rights. Who, in the midst of many years of activism is reading for a PhD in Dalit theology at Queens. 

I'm looking forward to it and will reflect on the day on this blog.

But why blog?

I want to use this blog to be shamelessly indulgent about my book - any reviews, comments (good, bad, and indifferent) will be posted here and perhaps responded too.

The book will be in bookshops nowhere from the beginning of June 2011 and hopefully in libraries all over the world. It's available for pre-order online now from Ashgate at a discount price of £45 and for a bit more at amazon and somehow the book depository or xyshop for £37.50. Ashgate have been wonderfully supportive and even ran ahead of time with the publishing date.

More importantly I want to put up any conferences, events, websites, and other peoples books in the field on here too.

Surely that's reason enough for a blog?